We are almost ready for the big day here at our house. We get over 150 little trick or treaters, so the goodie bags are packed, the yard is almost done, just a few lights need to be adjusted and a few pumpkins need to be decorated.
Lucky for us - the next town over has a HUGE Pumpkin Fest - I think it is over 40 years old this festival and it was an awesome day yesterday to go and check things out.....
Here is a house about a block from the festival.... awesome!

Here is another house just 2 doors down from the house above. Really neat decorations!

And now on to the pumpkin show..... folks from all over enter their pumpkins -decorated to win prizes. Each school kid in the area decorates a pumpkin, the courthouse lawn is filled with hundreds of pumpkins..it is an awesome event.
These are my top picks...

This years theme was pumpkins across America this flag is awesome!

This is really neat a giraffe eating, some people have such great imagination.

A cow, since we do live in farm country!

Speaking of dairy, you need your 3 dairys a day, chocolate, strawbery and vanilla - what a yummy banana split.
And now for the favorite pumpkin picked by me........

Well off to finish my pumpkins and I will post a few pictures of that tomorrow.
Happy Stitches!