Did you have a great 4th of July weekend? We did we got lucky, Dear Hubby ended up with Friday off, so off we went for a camping trip -- it was so relaxing and so nice to get away --
here is the view I had each morning -- so peaceful

And then this was what I saw next!! Dear Hubby loves to make breakfast at the campsite, so this was ther French Toast morning with bacon.......mmmmm good! And I don't know what Poochie loved most being by the water or the yummy food, when she is on vacation, she eats very little dog food!!!
And above is the fish I caught -- not really big but it sure was fun Realin it in!! LOL
Saturday we went to a park with numerous gardens to stroll through -- this is a butterfly garden, just loved it and I sure did like the birdbath made of stone.

Then of course before we left on Tuesday when I was heading home from work there it was GARAGE SALE -- I thought odd for a Tuesday but I stopped and checked it out -- I found these 4 cutter quilts for $5 dollars each -- so I have lots of projects in mind and I can not wait to get started on them this week. I thought I might even frame some of the nicer blocks. All 4 of these quilts were hand quilted. So I need to do something special with them.
And the last thing I have to show you today is our Tie-Dye t-shirts -- it was a project at the campsite -- mine is the brighter one and Dear Hubby made one too, his is the darker one. It was fun and something I know Dear Hubby would not have done on his own.
I hope you had a great weekend and now back to the real world -- I better get stitching!
Happy Stitches!