Well to start off with I came home from work on Monday and things were just fine then at about 6:30 Rudy started to whine and shake, something was going on, his eyes were darting from side to side and I thought this is it. He is 12 1/2 and I love him to pieces, but he still has some more good years -- so it is now 5 to 7 and Dear Hubby says we better take him to the vet -- OK this is serious when Dear Hubby says we are going to the vet, so he called and told them we are on the way -- as we were driving he was getting better but now panting and still looking freaked out. When we get there the vet was waiting and she examined him and thinks he had old dog syndrome when they have little seizures like this or vertigo -- so she treats him for vertigo, so he is now on motion sickness meds. She took some blood and he was doing better so we all came home. Yesterday the vet calls and says his liver counts are not right - nothing to be too concerned about but he should be on a medicine for this and since he does have some hip issues a anti-inflammatory medicine too! Cha Ching $333 later - he is doing well, or so we thought this morning he had another seizure, and after about 2 hours he was back to normal. Of course I called the vet to let her know and it is her day off, so I will see what she has to say tomorrow. I am not going to worry too much as he comes out of these just fine. So keep Rudy in your prayers if you don't mind.

After Rudys little episode today I decided to work in the creek side garden today and he was down there sniffing and investigating everything like he normally does. The garden is the entire length of the property out back so I edged it all and pulled all the weeds, it was quite a project it took about 5 hours, but it looks so much better -- here are some photos -- can't wait to be able to plant the impatiens down there and it really looks so much nicer with more color other than green.

I also spent some time in the Creation Station in the past 2 days I have been home and was working on this quick and simple table runner from the Moda Bake Shop. I have it quilted and the binding is sewn on the front I just need to sew it down in the back, plan to get that done tomorrow night.

Tonight is Garden Club -- looking forward to it, we are making cement stepping stones for the Garden Faire next month.
Hope all is good with you - thanks for stopping by!
Happy Stitches
I am so sorry to hear about Rudy - I hope he is feeling much better. My boy, Killian, will be sixteen on May 1st...
Your garden is going to be lovely!
And, I like the tablerunner - it is cute.
Sorry to hear about poor Rudy's troubles. Hopefully the meds will take care of things. We just took our little Snickerdoodle in and found out she has pancreatitus. Our other love, Weasley, has a history of focal seizures. They both send Rudy a lick and a sniff :)
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