How was your Easter? Ours was quiet, ended up going fishing with Dear Hubby and then we had a fish boil for dinner, no not fish Hubby caught, fish we caught at the grocery store. It was very good.
While Dear Hubby fishes, I stitch! And I have been working on my hand stitching BOM - this one is from the LQS it is the Jan Patek BOM. I am enjoying this one, I am making little tiny black stitches near the edge of each applique, I think it gives it a more prim look. This block is complete, I am still behind in my group so I need to step it up a bit.

I also got the stitching done on this block this week, it really does work if you work a little each day, and I finished the stitching last night watch Celebrity Apprentice. I still need to border the block and of course trim it up....but it is on its way.

So I did very good in my block rehab this past week, WOW this rehab is harder than I thought!!
And here is a photo of my Easter flowers I picked from my garden -- tulips and lilacs, this crazy weather, I don't remember when the lilacs were blooming at Easter.

Off to work today, but I am off Tuesday and Wednesday this week-- Tuesday I will be working in the garden for part of the day and then sewing -- pretty much same plan for Wednesday -- hopefully I can stick to the plan!
Happy Stitches
Yeah! Look at what you accomplished this week! I love your Birdie Stitches... you are almost there! I love the prim look of your other BOM also:)
Love the blocks! The Birdie Stitches is adorable!! =D
gaI too love the Birdie Stitches block. I was able to complete that quilt top in February, now to get it quilted. Your applique block i great too. Applique is becoming my new favorite type of block.
Lovely blocks. That Birdie Stitches pattern is just so cute! I printed them off but never even started them (too many others to finish!) Good thing we're in rehab!
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