What a crazy day! It was very windy here today, really not that unusual but the wind just makes it that much colder -- when the wind was not blowing it was probably 65 - but with the wind it was in the 40's BRRR! Due to the high winds today, my boss said no work today -- stay home - so I got a free day! Not really that great when I just started back last week - but I did get some sewing done.
And some surfing done too:) Have you been over to the Pink Pincushion blog, http://pinkpincushion.blogspot.com/
Sinta is having a BOM Rehab and boy do I need to be in Rehab! I bet 50% of my UFO's are BOM!
So I joined up -- and it is easy all you have to do is work on a BOM and then link up to her blog on Mondays. Since I did not work on a BOM this past weekend I did link up yesterday, but I will next week, I was working today on my Jan Patek BOM again.

The block of the Months I am going to tackle first:
Jan Patek from my LQS that is still going on -- want to get current
LQS BOM featuring 1 12 inch Block and 2 inch blocks each month -- need to get current
Birdie Block of the Month - need to complete 3 more blocks
This should keep me on track for a few weeks!!!
So.... will I be seeing you in Rehab?????
Happy Stitches
1 comment:
Oh, I am so behing on my BOMs - and april is coming up...
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